I believe many of us wish for more time in a day. More time to clean, more time to work, more time to do the long list of things we have to do. I hope that many of us also wish for more time to laugh, more time to love and more time to be with the ones who claim our hearts. I struggle with time, I’m constantly seeking balance. By kids bedtime I am anxious to sit at my desk to tackle editing, emails and running my business. Then as I crawl into bed sometime around 1:00 am, I am longing for more snuggles with my kids because the day has passed, I’ve managed to get at least one item checked off my list (let’s hope) and they are fast asleep. I count my lucky stars that I get to work from home. It’s a constant uphill battle and there will never be enough time but I wouldn’t change it for the world. This is my life, my loves – my kids, my husband and my career all jumbled up into one big, messy, awesome ball of chaotic happiness. So here is to another day to get everything done that we didn’t accomplish yesterday, mostly making sure we love and laugh a little bit more than the day before.
I’m sure that Fiona and Dave wish they had more time in a day but I can tell that they love hard and definitely laugh hard, they inspire me!
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