There was an article that popped up in my Facebook feed about why Mother’s take so many selfies with their children. Because so often that’s the only way their children will have those memories to look back on. I know it’s not just the photographers problem, though it is definitely one I’m familiar with, my husband is in many photos with the kids. Our albums are filled with the three of them laughing, snuggling, posing and having a blast, and they do, don’t get me wrong but they do those things with me too. So even though I’m with them every day, most of the day, it’s rare when a camera is turned on me with my kids. They’ll know I was there because they will know it was me who took the photos but will they remember the tenderness, the loving embrace, the look of my face as I hold them, will those memories stick without an image? Let’s hope but just in case I am sure to always have our family photos done at least once if not twice a year, it is one of the most important things we do as a family. It’s something I cherish and place a strong value on and this article I read today touched on my reasoning. I felt it was the perfect inspiration to hold a special Motherhood celebration day in the studio, just in time for Mother’s Day. Those mama’s out there are important, they lift us up and give us wings, let’s share in that joy and show off all the beauty between a mother and her children!
Celebrate Motherhood Mini’s will take place in my studio on May 7th, 2017. Space is limited so book now. The backdrop will be a clean and simple one as the photos will be close and intimate. I want to see faces and hands, embracing, hugging and laughing. These sessions are meant for mama’s and their children only. Details below.
May 7th, 2017 in studio
30 minute session with 5 high res images (artists choice)
mama’s and children only, children must be at least 6 months old
session fee must be paid in full upon booking
**Gift certificates are available and if you would like to give this as a gift for Mother’s Day, a second date will be offered after Mother’s Day.**
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